Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Paradox

I like doubt, second guessing, and discouraged intellectuals.

Hell, I like hedonists, nihilists, and capitalists because they don’t always pretend to be righteous.

The condemnation of the righteous, the holders of the TRUTH. Well, that shit is what gets under my skin.

But there is the paradox isn’t it? In my irritation with the self-righteous I have become one of them.

So I guess I am just a doubtful, second guessing, discouraged intellectual.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Oppression and Individuality

The problem with most critiques of privilege is that it usually ends up being a bunch of pet projects rather than a critical theory of power relationships and individual relationships to those relationships.
The more we add groups to our pursuit of justice and equality seems to suggest rules of thumb just don’t apply to people and their struggles. Struggles and hardships are unique. This isn’t to suggest that there is no usual generalizations, but rather that generalizations just don’t get to the heart of the matter.
The more we see power relationships not as groups but as unique individuals and their relationships to power the more we should realize that we should embrace reciprocity and all the complexity it involves rather than trying to get people to fit into the groups we have decided are important.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Alienated moralism has no bounds

Thee is no obvious limits to moral assertions that don’t have anything to do with actual living values of individuals. Purity becomes the standard rather than approximation. Because of this alienated moralism gravitates towards fundamentalism.

Concepts and institutions become our masters rather than our tools